Bibliography on Fear of Crime @ 01.06.05

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Agnew, R. (1985) "Neutralising the Impact of Crime", Criminal Justice And Behaviour, 12 (2): 221-39.

Akers, R., LaGreca, A., Sellers, C. & Cochran, J. (1987) "Fear of crime and victimisation among the elderly in different types of communities", Criminology, 25 (3): 487-505.

Allatt, P. (1984) "Fear of crime: The effect of improved residential security on a difficult to let estate", The Howard Journal, 23: 170-182.

Altheide, D. (1997) "The news media, the problem frame, and the production of fear", Sociological Quarterly, 38 (4): 647-668.

Altheide, D. & Michalowski, R. (1999) "Fear in the news: A discourse of control", Sociological Quarterly, 40 (3): 475-503.

Altheide, D. (2002) Creating fear: News and the construction of crisis, De Gruyter, New York.

Alvarez, A. & Bachman, R. (1997) "Predicting the fear of assault at school and while going to and from school in an adolescent population", Violence and Victims, 12 (1): 69-85.

Amick-McMullan, A., Kilpatrick, D. & Veronen, L. (1989) "Family survivors of homicide victims: A behavioral analysis", The Behaviour Therapist, 12 (4): 75-79.

Anderson, S., Grove Smith, C., Kinsey, R. and Wood, J. (1990) The Edinburgh crime survey, Edinburgh, The Scottish Office.

Anderson, S., Kinsey, R., Loader, I. and Smith, D. (1994) Cautionary tales: Young people, crime and policing in Edinburgh, Avebury, Adlershot.

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Antunes, G., Cook, F., Cook, T. & Skogan, W. (1977) "Patterns of personal crime against the elderly: Findings from a national survey", The Gerontologist, 4: 321-327.

Archer, D. & Erlich-Erfer, L. (1991) "Fear and loading: Archival traces of the response to extraordinary violence", Social Psychology Quarterly, 54 (4): 343-352.

Arnold, H. (1991) "Fear of crime and its relationship to directly and indirectly experienced victimisation: A binational comparison of models", Ch. 6, pp. 87-125 in K. Sessar & H. J. Kerner (eds) Developments in crime and crime control research, Springer-Verlag, London.

Arthur, J. (1992) "Criminal victimisation, fear of crime and handgun ownership among blacks: Evidence from national survey data", American Journal of Criminal Justice, 16 (2): 121-141.

Arthur, J. (1998) "Proximate correlates of black's support for capital punishment", Journal of Crime and Justice, 11 (1): 159-172.

Atkeson, B., Calhoun, K., Resick, P. & Ellis, E. (1982) "Victims of rape: Repeated assessment of depressive symptoms", Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50 (1): 96-102.

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Baba, Y. & Austin, D. (1989) "Neighborhood environmental satisfaction, victimization, and social participation as determinants of perceived neighborhood safety", Environment and Behavior, 21 (6): 763-780.

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Baldassare, M. (1986) "The elderly and fear of crime", Sociology and Social Research, 70 (3): 218-221.

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Bannister, J. (1993) "Locating fear: Environment and ontological security", Ch. 5, pp. 69-83 in H. Jones (ed) Crime and the urban environment, Avebury, Aldershot.

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Bazargan, M. (1994) "The effects of health, environmental, and socio-psychological variables on fear of crime and its consequences among urban black elderly individuals", International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 38 (2): 99-115.

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Bennett, R. & Flavin, J. (1994) "Determinants of fear of crime: The effect of cultural setting", Justice Quarterly, 11 (3): 357-381.

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Bursik, R. (1988) "Social disorganisation and theories of crime and delinquency: Problems and prospects", Criminology, 26 (4): 519-551.

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